The Impact Real Estate Podcast: Private Real Estate Debt (The Webinar Series)

On this episode of the Impact Real Estate Podcast presented by Jackson Lucas Executive Search, we bring you another webinar. Join Allison Pistone, Adam Gibbons, Lauren Kaufman and David Proctor as they talk to Chris Papa and Lisa Flicker about Private Real Estate Debt. They break down current trends and look into the future of this fascinating field.

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-What assets and what geographies are people gravitating towards nowadays?

-What are our panelists seeing in the Hospitality realm?

-What other niche asset classes are popular nowadays?

-Is there anything that the panelist are doing to be creative in the marketplace and win out on some of these new deals?

-With interest rates and where everything has been for the last while, rapid changing cap rates, what will happen with leverage across all asset classes?

Julio Lara